Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Reflection: Gratitude

With Thanksgiving approaching at a phenomenal speed, it seems that everywhere you go, someone is talking about gratitude. This happens to be a topic I've thought about a lot in the past few months. There have been a lot of things going on in my life and when I think about what I am most thankful for, apart from my support system of friends and family, it is yoga. 

In the madness we call life, at a job I find less than enjoyable, in a city I know very few people, in the middle of moving (again), yoga has given me a grounded place. A place that I can call home. Yoga made working out enjoyable for me. It has made me stronger, more flexible and given this clumsy fool some balance. Yoga has made me appreciate my body. Yoga has made my body better. Yoga is making me a teacher. Yoga means I will always be a student. Yoga has given me an outlet to express my emotions, a place to be vulnerable. Yoga pushes me physically and mentally. Yoga asks nothing of me but to be myself. Yoga is therapy. 

The amount of support and encouragement I have received through this has been incredible. I can't express enough the gratitude I feel in my heart for every single kind word, every compliment. I especially love when people tell me they tried or want to try yoga because of me. 

Yoga has also put in my path a bunch of beautiful souls that are on this journey also. When you find someone with the same passions are you, you connect on a whole other level. I am beyond thankful. Happy Thanksgiving! 

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