Friday, April 22, 2016


Happy Earth Day! So happy to be alive today. The older I get, the more I appreciate Mother Earth. We take for granted how amazing our planet is. Hug a tree, kiss the earth, plant some flowers and go for a walk outside today! Today also marks a more personal milestone for me…

The very first photo I posted about yoga on IG!

Exactly one year ago, I made a commitment to myself to practice yoga every day for 30 days. That turned into a beautiful practice and passion that would change my life forever. It may be a cheesy thing to some, but IDGAF so I'm gonna celebrate. Rather than go into a sappy story (I think there’s enough of those in this blog, no?), I thought I’d share 30 things that I have learned in this last year that may apply on and off of my mat. 

1.    Yoga is hard.
2.  “You are stronger than you think you are” has become my life motto and favorite thing to say.
3.   Headstand right out of the gate is not a smart idea. Master the basics first.
4.  Yoga is addicting.
5.   Asana (postures) is only one little part of yoga. Without the rest of it, you are just making shapes.
6.   You will fall. A LOT… And have the bumps, bruises, scratches and sore muscles to prove it.
8.   A large amount of your time will be spent analyzing spots for a good “stop, drop, and yoga”.
9.    Loving your body and yourself will happen if you allow it.
10. There are never enough leggings (coming from someone who had NONE).
11.  Every practice is different, that’s what makes it beautiful.
12.   You will get really good at propping up your phone to record yourself  practicing.
13.  It’s okay to be vulnerable.
14.  What you put into your body makes a difference. Drink water and put veggies on your pizza.
15.  Responding and reacting are different. Think before you act.
16. At some point you won’t care who’s looking at you.
17.  You will see the entire world in a different light. A beautiful light.
18.  Your body is your friend, don’t work against it.  
19.  It is not a contest, don’t judge yourself based on what someone else is  doing. Don’t judge others, either.
20.  A fancy Instagram photo is cool and all, but yoga is what happens inside of you.
21.  Yoga is for everybody. And every body.
22.  You’ll find yourself “needing” to stretch. All. The. Time.
23.    Every single day will feel different in your body. What is easy today may be impossible tomorrow. It’s okay.
24.  Patience is essential.
25.    Being an asshole just doesn’t make sense anymore.
26.    You will find yourself drawn and repelled by people’s energies.
27.    Meditation will save your sanity. I promise.
28.    The practice will make you humble whether you like it or not.
29.     Patience is essential.
30.    Yoga is a practice that requires commitment. But you are still human. Remember that. 

Every time someone leaves awesome comments on my posts and photos, I am so grateful. When someone tells me they tried or want to try yoga because of me, I feel so moved. For those who have encouraged and supported me through this, thank you! For those who came along for the ride and put up with my yoga obsession, thank you! For those who have inspired me, thank you!  

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