Friday, May 13, 2016


What does BYoga mean? I've been asked that a few times. So let me explain.

I've gone through two phases with my name. I either hated it or loved it. I used to ask my mom all the time why she named me Brenda. She originally had another name picked out, but we had another relative with the same name, so my parents wanted something "no one else had". As a kid, my name felt un-special. I didn't think it fit me at all. I had cousins with names like "Viviana" and "Fabiola" and they sounded so romantic to me. In the early 90's, it was "Brenda Got a Baby" and "Brenda Got a Big Ol' Butt". Both of which I did not have (still don't, although I wouldn't mind the big butt). Both songs made me hate my name even more. I was either dumb girl who was knocked up or only relevant for my ass. In a very Mexican family, I didn't think my name was "Mexican enough". I didn't like how it sounded in English, either, 'cause it clashed with my last name. Pronouncing it in Spanish meant that everyone said "Brrrrrrenda".  I couldn't make up my mind.

I went through a phase where I was all about it. Six was and still is my favorite number because that's how many letters there are in it.  I used to write it on EVERYTHING. On my notebooks, my backpack, the walls, everything. I looked up what my name meant in every book I could find (this was pre-google, obviously). It means "flaming sword", for those who are curious. Which would may explain my temper and willingness to fight about anything. After high school, people started me calling me "Bren" or just "B". And I preferred it. Some people don't even know my full name is Brenda! When I had to pick a handle for my IG and Twitter accounts, I used one of my favorite hip hop songs, "Brown Skin Lady" and added the "B" to the front of that. At this point in my life, most people close to me call me "Bren" or "B". Few people call me Brenda, I usually hear it at work or in professional settings. I'm perfectly okay with either. :)  

So how does the BYoga come in? I usually add #BYoga after most of my yoga photos. I'm not the only one who uses that hashtag, but I like that I can go back and see my old yoga posts conveniently stored in a little place. Basically, its my first initial with "yoga" after it. What it symbolizes is that, for me, yoga is not just something you do, but something you're being.  It's a practice and a lifestyle (if you so choose). BYoga is "B" (me) practicing yoga. BYoga is anyone practicing yoga. BYoga is anyone who wants to BE a devoted yogi. BYoga is anyone wanting and pushing to BE a better person. BYoga is anyone and everyone! So, if you're practicing and sharing your practice on social media, feel free to use it! I'd love to see! 

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