Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hips and Hamstrings

“It is only when the correct practice is followed for a long time, without interruptions and with a quality of positive attitude and eagerness, that it can succeed.” 
 PataƱjali, Yoga-Sutras

Beginning at Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana):
Inhale your right leg high
Exhale, Low Lunge
-spin your left foot flat-

Inhale, Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I). Reach your arms overhead.
-Place your hands on your hips and pull your right hip back and your left hip forward
-Shorten or widen your stance to allow you to square your hips
-Once you are stable, find your full expression

Exhale, Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II).
-Find your heel-to-arch alignment-

Inhale, Star Pose. Bring your heels in and your toes out. Reach towards the sky.
-Straighten your legs
-Tuck your tailbone inward
-Energetically reach with your hands

Exhale, Horse Pose. Bring your palms to heart center. Sink low into your hips.
-Point your toes out
-Externally rotate your knees
-Straighten your spine and tuck your tailbone in
-Option: Place your hands on your thighs and dip your shoulders on each side a few times

Inhale, Star Pose.

Exhale, Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

Inhale, straighten your front leg

Exhale, Triangle Pose (Trikonasana). Reach deeply forward, then down with your right arm. Reach up with your left arm.
-Option: Place your bottom hand on a block for support
-Strengthen through the back leg and side body
-Squeeze your shoulder blades together
-Reach energetically upward
-Open your chest towards the sky
-Gaze at your raised hand

Inhale, slowly rise

Exhale, Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II).

Inhale, Reverse Warrior (Parivrtta Virabhadrasana).

Exhale, High-to-Low Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana)

Inhale, Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

Exhale, Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasna)

*Repeat on the other side (At horse pose on the other side, option to inhale, rise to Star Pose, exhale, sink into Horse Pose for 3-5 breaths)

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