Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Best Birthday Ever

I cannot tell you how full my heart feels... These last two weeks have been amazing in so many ways. I drove back home to Modesto for the holidays to be with friends and family. I got to spend my birthday weekend with a bunch of my friends and pig out on pizza and beer. It's sort of become a tradition to have as many of us as possible be together at least once around this time of year. To have a night to reminisce and enjoy each other's company was the perfect way to start my vacation. That's all I really wanted for my birthday. That Sunday, my actual birthday, mi Amor took me to San Francisco for the day and we had brunch on a rooftop overlooking the city. Even on a rainy day, it was absolutely breathtaking. He indulged my nerd side and took me to the California Academy of Sciences. Then for dinner he took me to this incredibly romantic place. I didn't want the evening to end. I love my birthday because I am reminded how much I am loved and supported. I am so grateful. I am so happy.

With that said... My only other wish was to do what I set out to do 8 months ago. This photo was taken the night before my birthday. Although for a few seconds, I held an effin handstand! Considering my tummy was full of pizza and beer, I was able to do it! I look at the photo and still can't really believe that's me. I did it. Nothing that is worth having comes easy. This last year has had many challenges but many great experiences. It has truly been the best year of my life. My journey is just beginning. I am so excited for everything yet to come!

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