Monday, September 21, 2015

Heels over Head.

Being upside down is no joke. Besides the feeling of the blood rushing to your head, the fear of toppling over any moment, and amount of focus needed, you have to use every single muscle to hold yourself there. I set a goal to get myself into one of the versions of headstand and hit the ground running... well, hit the ground. A lot.

The very first time I tried an inversion, I was terrified. I had tried a few prep poses, to get used to the feeling of having my torso above my head, and didn't like it one bit. About a month into it, I was at the gym with my friend, Marla. Looked at her and said, "Hey, I need you to help hold up my legs, I'm going to try a headstand."  Poor thing has had to listen to me rant and rave about yoga since I starting practicing again so she knew where I was headed with that. She gave me the most surprised look and said, "Damn, I knew you had goals, but I didn't know you wanted to achieve them TODAY!"

I had watched a ton of videos and read articles on form and alignment, thinking that I would totally nail it first time up. Boy, was I wrong. Getting into position facing the mirror, I hoisted myself up into Salamba Sirsasana (supported headstand). Marla helped to bring my flailing legs up against the mirror. I thought I was going to throw up. It was disorienting and I couldn't activate my core or my shoulder muscles to support me. But leaned against the mirror, Marla took the very first photo. I hated how it felt, but I was stoked.

The next few weeks were filled with me trying it every day. Against a wall, without a wall. It was infuriating when I couldn't shift my weight over my head and hold it. One night I tried it over 70 times (yes, I counted). I strained my neck and back to the point I couldn't work out for a week. I have fallen more times than I could possibly count. Sometimes I would cry in frustration that I wasn't getting it. When I finally got to the point where I could hold myself in headstand, it was the most incredible feeling! It felt like I had done the impossible.

I wouldn't recommend that everyone just try this potentially dangerous posture. I wasn't supervised by a trained yogi nor did I have years of practice. It was my sheer stubbornness that led me to try it, and I was lucky I didn't really hurt myself. And for me, that was enough. I never thought I would see the day that I was upside down. There are still so many variations I haven't done. I'm still so far from hitting it perfectly, and the wall is still my best friend, But I did it. I'm doing it. I'm inverted.   

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