Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Here We Go

Today is the first day. The first official day of Yoga Teacher Training. For the next ten weeks, my life will be: work, yoga, sleep, repeat. I need 200 hours of instruction and practice to be certified. No more weekends, no more sleeping in. There will be late nights and lots of sweaty yoga clothes. But I have never been more excited. For a while I have felt like I've been at a stand still. Like I wasn't really doing something worthwhile. Yoga has changed that for me. I feel purpose. I feel progress. I feel passion. 

I almost backed out, because of some unexpected changes in my life. I cried over it. I didn't want to give it up. But I didn't want to have to deal with anything other than classes for the next ten weeks. Not to mention the financial responsibility of this endeavor. I wanted this to be priority. Lucky for me, the man in my life won't let me accept anything but what's best for me. Between sniffling on the phone with him, he tells me, "You aren't going to give this up. This is what you want." How do I argue with that? I hate it when he is right. I love it when he is right. 

So... here we go. 

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