Monday, October 26, 2015

Integration Series

"The Integration Series is where it all begins. This is where you step out of the world and into yourself, where you come out of your head and into your body." -Baron Baptiste, Baptiste Yoga

Exhale, Child's Pose (Balasana). Bring your big toes to touch. Set your knees as wide as is comfortable. Slide your hands forward and nestle your forehead into the mat.

-Allow your hips to sink towards your heels
-Soften your shoulders
-Reach out through your fingers

Take 3 cleansing breaths. Begin to cultivate Ujjaii Breathing. 

Inhale, Neutral Tabletop (exhale). Shift your weight forward. Rise onto all fours.

-Stack your hips over your knees, your shoulders over your wrists
-Draw your navel in
-Create one line of energy from your tailbone through the crown of your head

Inhale, Cow Pose (Bitilasana). Dip your belly downward. Gaze forward.

-Tilt your pelvis forward
-Draw your shoulders down and away from your ears
-Open your chest

Exhale, Cat Pose (Marjaryasana). Lift and round your spine. Pin your chin to your chest.

-Tilt your tailbone inward
-Hollow the space through your belly
-Push the earth away

Take several rounds of Cat/Cow.

Inhale, Neutral Tabletop. 

Exhale, Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Tuck your toes under. Pike your hips up and back.

-Melt your heels into the floor
-Pull your navel up and in
-Widen and press into all ten fingers

Inhale, High Plank (Dandasana). Shift your weight forward into the top of a push up.

-Create one line of energy from your heels through the crown of your head
-Engage your core
-Breathe into the space behind your heart

-Exhale, slowly lower your body to the ground. Exhale your stale breath.-

Inhale, Baby Cobra (Bhujangasana). Press the tops of your feet into the mat. Zip your legs together. Peel your chest away from the mat. Hover your hands.

-Strengthen through the thighs
-Lengthen the back of your neck
-Gaze is down

-Exhale, release.-

Inhale, Full Cobra (Bhujangasana). Lift your chest off of the ground. Push into the ground to straighten your arms.

-Engage your quadriceps
-Roll your shoulders down and back
-Gaze forward

-Exhale, release.-

Inhale, Neutral Tabletop.

Exhale, Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana). 

Inhale, gaze forward

Exhale, Ragdoll (Uttanasana). Step your feet behind each wrist. Fold forward at the hips.

-Shift your weight onto the front of your feet
-Hang your head heavy
-Allow your arms to dangle

Options: Option to grab either elbow. Sway your torso side to side. Shake your head yes and no.

-Take several deep breaths. Toe-heel your feet to touch. Inhale, slowly unraveling your spine to stand.-

Exhale, Standing At Attention (Samasthiti). 

-Ground into all four corners of your feet
-Roll shoulder blades back and down
-Hands in prayer at heart center
-Close your eyes

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