Monday, October 26, 2015

"You're going to forget how to talk."

I’m not a shy person. I don’t often get nervous or tongue-tied. But one thing that has always been intimidating is speaking in front of a crowd. There isn’t much I could think of that is scarier than a group of people staring at you while you’re standing in front of them alone. Well… guess what? Guiding a group through a yoga class is not any easier. In fact, not only are you speaking to them, you’re instructing them to do things! They are waiting on you for the next cue, the next movement. They are depending on you to know your shit. And that’s pretty scary.

To be honest, it all seemed so simple. I know the postures. I know what comes next and what I have to do to get there. But when you have to explain that to someone else, to cut out all the fluff and command someone in simple terms and phrases, it is HARD!  You have to link the breath to the pose and direct them. The first thing our Teacher Trainer, Christina, said was, “You’re going to forget how to talk.” She wasn’t lying. It was almost funny, to hear ourselves fumble over words, to completely forget the sequence we’ve done a thousand times. Trying to think of synonyms for words like we are in the 6th grade. It was also frustrating. To fidget and laugh nervously to keep from beating myself up for not being able to get it. It hasn’t been easy. 

But it’s getting there. Entering week 4 of training, it’s very slowly coming to me and coming out of me. It’s an awesome feeling for me and the rest of the group when we can stand up and guide each other in breath and movement. I feel we have a long way to go, but we are getting there. 

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