“One is offering salutation to the Divine, represented by the sun, as a source of light removing the darkness of a clouded mind and as a source of vitality removing the diseases of the body.” - Ganesh Mohan, yoga scholar
-From Standing at Attention (Samasthiti) broken down with cues to set up for breath-to-movement-
Inhale, Mountain Pose (Tadasana). Sweep your arms towards the sky.
-Ground down through all four corners of your feet
-Strengthen through your legs
-Pull your shoulders away from your ears
Exhale, Forward Fold (Uttanasana). Melt your hands through heart center. Hinge at your hips, folding your body towards the earth.
-Shift your weight forward
-Draw your navel in
-Allow your head to hang heavy
Inhale, Halfway Lift (Ardha Uttanasana). Press your palms into your shins. Create one line of energy from your tailbone through the crown of your head.
-Push your tailbone out behind you, create a long spine.
-Pull your navel into your spine
-Draw your shoulders away from your ears
Exhale, Forward Fold
Inhale, High Plank (Dandasana). Plant your palms shoulder width distance apart. Step back into the top of a push-up.
Inhale, High Plank (Dandasana). Plant your palms shoulder width distance apart. Step back into the top of a push-up.
-Tone through your legs
-Engage your core
-Push away from the earth, to puff the back of your heart space
Exhale, High-To-Low Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana). Shift your weight forward, so your shoulders are past your wrists. Squeeze your elbows into your body and lower halfway.
-Strengthen through the core
-Lead with your chest
-Keep your head in line with your spine
Inhale, Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana). Press the tops of your feet into the mat. Lift chest away from the ground.
-Engage your thighs, so they lift away from the earth
-Draw your shoulders back
-Lengthen your spine
Exhale, Downward Facing Dog (Ardha Mukha Svanasana). Tuck your toes. Pike your hips up and back.
-Melt your heels down towards the mat
-Draw your navel in
-Ground into your palms and all ten fingers
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