Exhale, Child's Pose (Balasana). Bring your big toes to touch. Set your knees as wide as is comfortable. Slide your hands forward and nestle your forehead into the mat.
-Allow your hips to sink towards your heels
-Soften your shoulders
-Reach out through your fingers
Take 3 cleansing breaths. Begin to cultivate Ujjaii Breathing.
Inhale, Neutral Tabletop (exhale). Shift your weight forward. Rise onto all fours.
-Stack your hips over your knees, your shoulders over your wrists
-Draw your navel in
-Create one line of energy from your tailbone through the crown of your head
-Stack your hips over your knees, your shoulders over your wrists
-Draw your navel in
-Create one line of energy from your tailbone through the crown of your head
Inhale, Cow Pose (Bitilasana). Dip your belly downward. Gaze forward.
-Tilt your pelvis forward
-Draw your shoulders down and away from your ears
-Open your chest
-Tilt your pelvis forward
-Draw your shoulders down and away from your ears
-Open your chest
Exhale, Cat Pose (Marjaryasana). Lift and round your spine. Pin your chin to your chest.
-Tilt your tailbone inward
-Hollow the space through your belly
-Push the earth away
Take several rounds of Cat/Cow.
-Tilt your tailbone inward
-Hollow the space through your belly
-Push the earth away
Take several rounds of Cat/Cow.
Inhale, Neutral Tabletop.
Exhale, Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana). Tuck your toes under. Pike your hips up and back.
-Melt your heels into the floor
-Pull your navel up and in
-Widen and press into all ten fingers
-Melt your heels into the floor
-Pull your navel up and in
-Widen and press into all ten fingers
Inhale, High Plank (Dandasana). Shift your weight forward into the top of a push up.
-Create one line of energy from your heels through the crown of your head
-Engage your core
-Breathe into the space behind your heart
-Create one line of energy from your heels through the crown of your head
-Engage your core
-Breathe into the space behind your heart
-Exhale, slowly lower your body to the ground. Exhale your stale breath.-
Inhale, Baby Cobra (Bhujangasana). Press the tops of your feet into the mat. Zip your legs together. Peel your chest away from the mat. Hover your hands.
-Strengthen through the thighs
-Lengthen the back of your neck
-Gaze is down
-Strengthen through the thighs
-Lengthen the back of your neck
-Gaze is down
-Exhale, release.-
Inhale, Full Cobra (Bhujangasana). Lift your chest off of the ground. Push into the ground to straighten your arms.
-Engage your quadriceps
-Roll your shoulders down and back
-Gaze forward
-Engage your quadriceps
-Roll your shoulders down and back
-Gaze forward
-Exhale, release.-
Inhale, Neutral Tabletop.
Exhale, Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana).
Inhale, gaze forward
Exhale, Ragdoll (Uttanasana). Step your feet behind each wrist. Fold forward at the hips.
-Shift your weight onto the front of your feet
-Hang your head heavy
-Allow your arms to dangle
Options: Option to grab either elbow. Sway your torso side to side. Shake your head yes and no.
-Shift your weight onto the front of your feet
-Hang your head heavy
-Allow your arms to dangle
Options: Option to grab either elbow. Sway your torso side to side. Shake your head yes and no.
-Take several deep breaths. Toe-heel your feet to touch. Inhale, slowly unraveling your spine to stand.-
Exhale, Standing At Attention (Samasthiti).
-Ground into all four corners of your feet
-Roll shoulder blades back and down
-Hands in prayer at heart center
-Close your eyes
-Ground into all four corners of your feet
-Roll shoulder blades back and down
-Hands in prayer at heart center
-Close your eyes